Trauma Recovery
In those dark places there is also an opportunity to find strength and compassion.
What does trauma therapy look like?
Psychotherapy is a highly effective way to work with the body’s and heart’s response to traumatic experiences and loss, however, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to trauma recovery or therapeutic change. In our time together we will discuss ways to do the work that meets your unique needs and goals. That work often involves exploring the impact of the trauma, working with shame, addressing physiological symptoms, and connecting with the body.
Trauma Focused Services
EMDR & IFS are evidenced-based, trauma informed, and experiential modalities. Both address important aspects of healing including working with emotions, beliefs, and the body.
Recent Trauma Stabilization
Stabilization treatment can be utilized as soon as distressing symptoms appear following a recent traumatic experience. This is a short-term therapy that can help facilitate a higher level of care when necessary.
Traumatic Loss & Grief
The experience of bereavement can become prolonged and complex with sudden or traumatic loss. This often requires outside interventions to support the grieving process.
Feeling safe in your body. Why we talk about the body in therapy & trauma recovery work…
For many trauma survivors, the body feels like unsafe territory. Stress activates our nervous systems and in that stress our minds and bodies store those painful memories differently. Because the body holds components of painful memories, incorporating somatic work is often a necessary part of releasing trauma. With care, appropriate pacing and resources, and the support of a trusted other, reconnecting with the body can be a source of empowerment and healing.
What does that look like in session? In our counseling sessions, I will often invite you to become curious about your inner experience and what’s happening in your body as we do our work. Through our sessions, I may ask you to notice sensations, breathing patterns, and even body posture. Simply noticing and naming an experience has a regulating effect on our systems. I may also offer you different techniques or resources to use in session and out in the world. EMDR and ASSYST (for recent trauma stabilization) are other tools we can discuss.
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR is an widely researched modality for working with painful and traumatic memories. EMDR therapy can be an effective tool for accessing difficult experiences in a manageable way and while staying grounded in the present moment. This process often allows the brain to do the important work of memory reconsolidation that was disrupted during the original traumatic event.
I am EMDR Certified. This means that I have advanced EMDR specific training, complete ongoing consultation and continuing education courses, and have been approved by the EMDRIA International Association.